chrisLess is better when it comes to words and painting: there are already far too many Emperors clothed in Artspeak’s convoluted vapidity. Still, putting down some thoughts on what, how and why I paint seems worthwhile here.

I was born in Sydney in 1952 and I’ve always made images. I’m sure most people retain vivid memories of things long past, and I believe good work can come from reconnecting with childhood enthusiasms.

As a young adult I studied at Julian Ashton’s and John Ogburn’s studios, working and painting part -time before qualifying for teaching French and English. Before teaching I worked on drawings and watercolours of Sydney inner west from 1978-83. In 1984 I worked on a series of ink drawings from a visit to New York then pastels, oils and drawings and  portraits while teaching full time 1984 -2011.

In 2012 I retired from teaching and immediately began work on my first solo exhibition, Nocturnes at Art2Muse Gallery 2014. This  was a chance to combine childhood memories with adult perceptions of  Sydney. My second exhibition, On the Street at GKJ Galleries focussed on my neighbourhood in Kings Cross. My most recent exhibition, Night and Day  at The Shop Gallery in Glebe in 2018 was a further exploration of city sights at different times of day.

I work in oil, watercolour, pastel and pen and ink and generally take a figurative approach to my images. The gallery presents work from various genres and I’m still exploring which are the most congenial. I love the idea using observation, memory and the serendipity of random associations and accidentals to create a world to explore and be lost in. I feel an Emperor approaching, so let the work speak for itself.

If you feel inspired to leave a comment I’d be delighted to read what you have to say.